$29.95 $24.95
If you would like a custom color background, please contact us or upload your own design using our template.
We get started on your proof the same day you place your order and will have it ready to review within 24 hours.
You can request changes, submit new photos, or adjust the background until you are 100% satisfied.
Our production team works fast once we receive your approval. Orders usually ship out in 2-3 business days.
Double-check bleed area of design
Please make sure your design covers the entire print area. This includes the bleed area (marked in gray). Otherwise, the sides of your product might be left blank. Important design elements should remain within the safe area (marked with dashed line) as they might be cut-off if left outside.
Wrapping paper tiling
The size of your uploaded artwork applies to all variants. The print provider will duplicate and tile the design to fit the specific wrapping paper size. We recommend using patterns and seamless designs for the best results.
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